
Thursday, October 3, 2013

{Q & A} with Ashley

I recently asked my facebook followers if they had any questions for me! Nothing was off limits. I was really curious to see what they would ask!! Also....I want you guys to know that if you ever have any questions or comments feel free to contact me!! I love hearing from you!!

So let's get to it!

The first question is from Colleen:

Our grocery bill has been significantly higher since we switched over to organic/non gmo/clean eating a 

couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty much sticking to fresh fruits, veggies, meat, nuts and dairy. It's very 

important to me that we continue to follow this way of eating but I'm concerned it won't be possible to keep 

this up with how much expensive it is. Is Trader Joe's a better way to go than Whole Foods? Do you have 

any tips?


Thanks Colleen! Great Question! is very easy to blow your budget when you start switching to un-processed "clean" foods. This whole country would be a whole lot better off if they would lower the price of produce and raise the prices of processed junk! I think that most people struggle with this. I wrote a post on tips that I use to stay on budget {here}. I love Trader Joe's. I think the prices are very reasonable and I know it is a lot cheaper than Whole Foods. Although I have never been to Whole Foods...I do know that they have a lot more variety. I personally go to Trader Joe's about once a month or so to stock up on "specialty" items that I can't get at my local grocery store. Also I stick to seasonal produce only. It is fun for me to play around with produce and find new ways to enjoy whatever is in season! I buy a lot of nuts/dried fruit/Chia/Flax and protein powder online. I really shop around to find the best price!! Oh and one more tip....when planning out your meals for the mindful of the ingredients. I plan my meals around what is on sale that week at my local grocery store. If a recipe has a ton of ingredients that I don't have....I skip it! I find recipes that don't have a ton of ingredients and that will make really good leftovers so my husband will have at least one or two lunches from that same meal! Soups, stews and chilis are all really cheap to make, feed a crowd and are perfect for this time of year!! 

I could go on and on about that topic!! I hope that helps!! I promise that it is possible to stick with any budget while still eating healthy and real food!!

Question #2 is from Loreto:

Tell us your secret about work out, please! I need orientation for burn fat... I'm beginner!


I was too a beginner earlier this year! I am super non-athletic and pretty wimpy! Well I used to be!! I think the best way to start is to find a workout challenge online (like Bikini Body Mommy) or get a fitness dvd that has a 60-90 day commitment. For me...I started with Bikini Body Mommy. I wasn't ready, nor did I have the time, to go to the gym. This was an easy way to start about because most days I worked out for 20 minutes or less. I picked the best time of the day for me....I scheduled it in my mind...and I stuck with it. I told people I was doing it and I told them to hold me accountable. I ended up completing two 90 day challenges before I branched out on my own and incorporated strength training and higher intensity cardio into my workout. The best way to burn fat is to workout and eat "clean".  Both are equally as important.

You can read more about my fitness journey here:

My first 90 day Challenge

My second 90 day Challenge

Fitness Plan

Hope that helps!!!

Question #3 is from Shawna:

What kind of creamer do you put in your coffee or can you recommend something yummy without all the corn syrup and sugar?


Great question. I get asked this quite a bit. I used to think there was nothing better than a cup a coffee, 1/2 cup sweetened creamer and stevia!! I drank it like syrup!! Now I switched to drinking my coffee black! I know what you are thinking....there is NO WAY I am giving up my creamer....YUCK!! Well trust me....I said the same thing. It was a very gradual process. I started with switching from my artificially flavored creamer to unsweetened vanilla almond milk and stevia. Once I got used to that.....I switched to just the almond milk and them eventually I went to black! The first week or so...I didn't really enjoy the taste but then I got used to it and I love it! I don't drink it any other way. I would highly recommend giving it a shot! If you aren't ready for that yet....let me help you find some alternatives!!

Any of these are good option or a any combination of these:
  • unsweetened almond vanilla milk (or your milk of choice)
  • Stevia (they also have flavored drops like Vanilla creme and English Toffee)
  • Organic Creamers or Organic half and half 
  • Organic sweetened condensed milk ( I know Trader Joe's has this)
  • honey or maple syrup
  • cocoa powder
  • Homemade Creamers
I used to be concerned about adding fat to my coffee but trust me you are better off with a little bit of fat and calories vs. the artificial sweeteners and CRAP they put in all those flavored creamers! Give them a try and tell me how it goes!!

Question #4 comes from Heidi:

How would you describe the difference (if there is one) between clean eating and real food eating?


Great question!! Now this is all just my personal opinion and how I wrap my brain around it all! I consider "Real Food Eating" more about the food! Foods that contain no preservatives, as direct from the source as you can get it, organic, gmo-free, unrefined and unprocessed. I consider "Clean Eating" or the "Eat Clean Diet" more of a way to eat these same foods. The eat clean diet principles not only focus on the quality of the food but they focus on how you eat these foods. It is all about losing weight/or maintaining while eating real food! The rules of the diet consist of eating every 2-3 hours, 5-6 meals a day and combining your food properly with each meal consisting of a protein, complex carb and sprinkling in healthy fats throughout the day. I still try to stick to the rules of the "Eat Clean Diet" although I am more in maintenance mode. I just like this way of has worked for me!

Thank you all so much for the AWESOME questions! If you guys enjoy these....I will do a posts like these more often!!

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL DAY!! :)


  1. This was really interesting and such a good idea (may I borrow it? hehe) I never really thought about the difference between eating real foods and eating clean... I like how you explained it.

  2. Thanks for answering my question! I have a sweet tooth, but hopefully I can find a substitute I like. :)


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