
Monday, August 5, 2013

{Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day Challenge} Round 2 Results

Have you heard me talk about "Bikini Body Mommy?" Of course you have!! I give her credit for introducing me to fitness and inspiring me to start to live an active life. Her workouts are all on her facebook page for free!! I felt like I didn't have anything to lose and I loved that her workouts were short but intense! With 2 small children...I didn't know how I would fit in any time during my day to workout but 20-30 minutes seemed doable. On January 29th, 2013 I started out on my first 90 day challenge! If you haven't seen my results after the first challenge...Read here!

I am proud to say that as of Saturday...I completed my 2nd Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day Challenge!!! The past 6 months have changed my life forever!!

My goal for the 2nd 90 day challenge was to start to tone! Tone is something my body has never seen! HA! I have been skinny before (around 2006--wedding time) but I was skinny fat. Always "soft" as my husband would say. I wanted to change all that around for the first time in my life!

Now on to my results from round 2:

No...I didn't lose any weight. But I didn't really need to. I needed to replace fat with muscle! I needed to get stronger! And that is what I did!! I went from barely making it through a few modified push ups to easily (well kind of) doing 24 regular push ups in 50 seconds during my last fit test! My planks went from on struggling to hit 30 seconds on my knees to full planks up around 1:30. I lost 3.5 inches from my waist and 2.25 inches from my hips. I can finally see definition in my arms and legs!! My abs (my problem area) are finally strengthening after having two babies and I am not quite as embarrassed as I used to be about showing them! I can pretty much see a difference in every inch of my body!

Wanna see pictures?? I hate pictures of myself...especially ones in a sports bra but I figured that if I wanted to be real.....I have to bare it all. I want you guys to know that if I can do can! I am just like everyone else. There were days when I DID NOT want to work out!! There were days when I wanted to eat a ton of ice cream and give up! There were months when I was frustrated because I didn't see the scale move!! BUT I realized that I had to keep going! I realized that I was making progress not matter how big or small. I realized that giving up would make me feel a lot worse than getting off the couch, putting on tennis shoes and GETTING IT DONE!!

There is really nothing better than committing to a challenge and completing it! Trust me on that. I really hope that this will inspire you to start adding fitness into your life. Speaking from someone who has never been athletic a day in her can be like therapy. I workout not only to change my body but for the energy boost and mental clarity that it brings me. I used to hear people talk about that and think they were insane. How can getting all sweaty and killing yourself make you feel great?? It used to sound miserable to me but now I crave it!!!!

I am switching up my fitness regimen starting today. I consider myself a work in progress so I am excited to give myself a new challenge!! Stay tuned tomorrow for all the details!!! 


  1. That's amazing! It is so hard to stick to these plans. I tried the 90 day challenge, but i couldn't complete it! I am now doing a 30 day beginners plan and i hope once i finish that i'll have more strength to move on to other plans. It's so great that you did this, you look great and sound like you feel great too. It's a huge motivation for me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great job! I'm on day 9 of the first challenge! The first 3 days were super hard and now I kind of have that "crave it" feeling! I was just Googling about gaining weight during the BBM Challenge and some how found your blog. You look AMAZING! I loved seeing how your body obviously saw crazy change while the scale didn't move drastically! Thanks so much for the encouragement!

    1. Awe...Thank you!! You will start seeing changes! Keep up the good work! It will all pay off! :)


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