
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

{Tips for Preventing Weight Gain during the Holiday Season}

It is almost Thanksgiving!! Woo hoo!! Then we all will blink and Christmas will be here. I absolutely love this time of year. I love the decorations, the get-togethers with family and of course....the food. Who doesn't....right??

Let me first just say..... I follow the 90/10 rule and holidays always fall in my 10% wiggle room but I am just like everyone else. I don't want to get on the scales and gain all of the weight I worked so hard to get off!! I have a few tips that I use just to keep a check on myself because it is very easy to go binge crazy shoving your face full of bread and chocolate. that just me?

Tip #1: Always....Always eat something at home before you attend any Holiday party or festivity

I have said it before and I will say it again....don't go anywhere hungry! If you leave your house hungry...chances of you eating something not so great or eating WAY TOO MUCH are high. I always bring a bottle of water with me anywhere I go so I can drink up on the way to the party/event. That is a great way to fill you up and beat that thirst that can sometimes show itself as hunger. I also usually eat an apple/almonds or a yogurt before I walk out the door. You can ask my husband....I don't care if I am running late or not....I always eat something or grab an apple for the road. I get hungry every few hours and I want to be prepared!! Something like a Larabar is really handy to eat on the way. If you aren't starving by the time you are less likely to binge.

Tip #2: Bring a healthy appetizer/dish/dessert with you!

Healthier Pecan Pie

I love bringing fruit or veggie trays to any get-together. Wanna know why?? Because I like fruits and veggies and I know that I will have some healthy stuff to snack on instead of chips and dip! Bring a healthy dessert but don't tell people that it is healthy! Just shock them all with a delicious treat that you won't feel guilty about later. It is always nice to know that wherever you are will have healthier options to eat that you know you will enjoy.

Tip ##: Choose your faves


Ya'll my entire family is full of ridiculously good cooks. I am not kidding. It is a blessing and a curse! I know the handful of dishes that are a must. I do not deprive myself from the foods that I love and that have great tradition/memories wrapped up in them. My grandma makes THA BEST giblet gravy. Am I going  to eat some....YES!!! Life is not about depriving yourself to be skinny! Life is about enjoying times with friends and family so some of your faves... just watch the portion size. I don't douse my whole plate in gravy....I use a little so that I can enjoy it and move on. I just won't put things on my plate that aren't either good for me....or one of my absolute faves!

Tip #4: Eat until you are full


Try to be mindful of when you have had enough. Sometimes you get busy chatting and mingling and you aren't paying attention to your stomach. Just try to have a seat, take your time, enjoy and then put your plate away when you are done! There will be dessert and we all know that we can't skip that part so just try to enjoy the company and stay mindful of when you are full.

Tip #5: Enjoy

These holidays are some of the best days of the year....don't spend it worrying about your weight. Regardless of how much you eat or what you will be fine! Don't let it discourage you from your goals. If you wake up the next day and feel guilty about the food you enjoyed...STOP! No guilt! Just get motivated to start the next day doing your best!

Want more tips? Check out my Top 5 Tips for Staying Slim through the Holidays!

I honestly hope you all have such a fabulous Thanksgiving surrounded by all of the people you are most thankful for. :)


  1. I love bringing my own healthy options - bonus if I can 'trick' people by making something that is usually unhealthy healthier while still being delicious.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you and your family had a great day :)


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