
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

{34 week BUMPdate}

Happy Tuesday!! Today is my BIRTHDAY!! Woo hoo 31!! I am waking up very thankful for everything I have! Yesterday was spent in the ER with my daughter. She fell off the couch backwards and ended up with a concussion. Let's just was pretty scary. Today is a new day and I am going to love on my babies and my family extra tight! Planning on going to brunch this morning to celebrate my day but first....let me give you guys a BUMPdate on baby boy!

How Far Along?  34 weeks 

Size of Baby: The size of a pineapple. (19-22 inches and 4.9 lbs.) 
Gender: Baby boy

Weight Gain: 23 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Same ol' thing. I haven't bought anything new in a while. 

Nursery: No clue. :) We won't be planning the nursery until our new house is built which is a couple months after the baby is born. Baby boy will be sleeping in Mom and Dad's room for the first few months which I don't mind at all!! 
Movement: He is moving all of the place. I can definitely tell that he is running out of space. 

Symptoms: Heartburn, achy back, slightly swollen feet and ankles.

Sleep: It is getting harder and harder to find a comfortable position at night. Most nights are okay. I wake up a few times but usually don't have any problem going back to sleep.

Cravings: Not sure if this is the pregnancy or just my norm....but dark chocolate! Oh and ice cream....because it is SO hot outside and it helps me cool off!

What I Miss: Being able to bend over and pick up things off the floor!

Best Moment This Week: Feeling baby boy move around SO much and trying to guess which body part is poking out! 

So tell me....

What is your must-have item for a baby??? **I am in the process of figuring out what  I have and seeing what I need! :)


  1. This sounds really weird, but my big must have is an electronic nasal aspirator. Gross, right? But it makes such a difference when they are sick and can't breathe through the mucus. Plus those bulb thingies the hospital give you are gross and impossible to clean. This is the one I have:

    1. I completely agree! I have one and it is definitely a must have!!

  2. Oh, and happy birthday!!!! And I'm glad your daughter is fine, that is scary stuff!


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