
Monday, May 5, 2014

{26 week BUMPdate}

Hi you guys!! I am back!! Finally settled in our "temporary home" while we start the process of building our new house! Whew....I think the process of listing, selling, packing and unpacking has aged me 10 years! I don't know how people do that more than once or twice in a lifetime.

So on to the BUMPdate!! Let me update ya'll on what's been going on with baby #3!! :)

How Far Along? 26 weeks

Size of Baby: The size of a butternut squash (14 inches tall and weighs more than 2 lbs!)

Gender: Baby boy 

Weight Gain: 16 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Wearing a lot of yoga pants, maternity yoga shorts and maternity jean capris. The temps this week are close to 90 degrees so I did order some maternity shorts and a bathing suit online. I am hoping they fit. I also need to get some maternity tank tops and dresses. I have a feeling I will be living in those all summer!

Nursery: No clue. :) We won't be planning the nursery until our new house is built which is a couple months after the baby is born. Baby boy will be sleeping in Mom and Dad's room for the first few months which I don't mind at all!! 
Movement: This boy is a kicker!! He likes to lay on my right side so my belly is lop-sided most of the day! Is lop-sided a word??

Symptoms: Heartburn, achy back, Braxton Hicks every now and then, and slightly swollen ankles.

Sleep: I sleep okay these days....I do wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom but other than that I sleep pretty well.

Hmm....nothing really in particular....My appetite has been through the roof!! 

What I Miss: Having the time and energy to workout! I have been fitting in some casual walks with the kids. I am hoping to get back into pre-natal yoga and start getting in some pool time very soon! 

Best Moment This Week: This week...that is kind of hard! This past week has been crazy and it is kind of a blur. I always love any moment that I get to spend with my husband and my kids! Right after the kids wake up...when we are all piled in my bed is usually my favorite parts of the week!

Looking forward to: Getting in a routine and focusing on the positives during this time of transition in our life! :)


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