
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

{What I Ate Wednesday} 10/9/13

Happy Wednesday!! I am actually a little embarrassed to tell you guys what I have been eating lately. I can't seem to tame my sweet tooth and literally every meal seems to consist of the same thing!! Dark chocolate, bananas, and all natural crunchy peanut butter seem to find their way into every meal that I eat!! I promise I am turning things around next week!! I need to come up with some more go-to meals and switch things up!! Like in a bad way!

Breakfast: Super Simple Steel Cut Oats with banana, maple syrup and raisins with coffee. **Recipe coming soon for the oats. These are nice because I made this batch on Monday and I have enough to eat all week long! Takes me a couple minutes to prepare in the morning! Perfection!

Snack: Fage 2% Plain Greek Yogurt with raw peanuts, dark chocolate chips and honey. Chocolate at 10 a.m......don't judge!

Lunch: Huge shock....banana wrap!! I made this one with crunchy all natural peanut butter, cinnamon and a medium banana. Old habits die hard!

Snack: A super large Bartlett pear with homemade trail mix consisting of more raw peanuts, organic raisins, raw almonds and more dark chocolate chips.

Dinner: Eggplant Rollatini. I had 2 large Eggplant in my fridge and they needed to be used in a bad way. This was delicious....although not super filling. I may or may not have nibbled on a Chewy Rice bar later on last night to keep my stomach from growling!!

So tell me:

I need some totally NEW ideas for snacks and lunch!! I have a few ideas that I am thinking of adding in the mix but I want to know....What do you eat?? 

What is your favorite go-to snack? 

Favorite go-to lunch these days?? 

**Clean meals and snacks of course! :) 


  1. What kind of tortillas do you use? My go-to snacks lately have been greek yogurt with honey or vanilla, cottage cheese with avocado and tomato, potato skins, sweet potato chips with cinnamon and honey.. I blog about them here:

    1. I usually use Trader Joe's whole wheat or La Tortilla High Fiber wraps. I want to start making my own! That's next on my list! :)


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