
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

{30 week BUMPdate}

Good Morning Lovelies! Can't believe it but I am at 30 weeks today!! AHH!! I am a little scared!! I am getting so much more excited though. Now that everything has calmed down from the move....I feel like I am finally able to focus on this baby boy!! is going to be crazy after he is born but I can't wait!! I can feel him moving all the time and it always brings a smile to my face! I just love it!

How Far Along?  30 weeks 

Size of Baby: The size of a cantaloupe (17 inches and 3.5 lbs)

Gender: Baby boy

Weight Gain: 21 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I bought some simple t-shirts and a maxi dress from Old Navy that I am excited to try. I also ordered a tankini top and cover up for the beach! Fingers crossed they actually fit and look decent! I haven't had great luck finding cute maternity clothes....which is probably why I live in yoga pants!

Nursery: No clue. :) We won't be planning the nursery until our new house is built which is a couple months after the baby is born. Baby boy will be sleeping in Mom and Dad's room for the first few months which I don't mind at all!! 
Movement: Loving all the movement these days. I can tell he is definitely getting a lot bigger!! Some kicks make me jump a little!

Symptoms: Heartburn, achy back, Braxton Hicks every now and then, and slightly swollen ankles.

Sleep: I sleep okay these days....I do wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom but other than that I sleep pretty well.

Nothing really out of the norm. I probably crave take out more than usual just because my 5 pm I feel too tired to cook! 

What I Miss: Being able to move around easier!! I am definitely a lot slower and I definitely FEEL IT if I push it too hard!

Best Moment This Week: Putting on my maternity bathing suit and relaxing in the pool with my family. :)

Have a great Tuesday!!!!! :)

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