
Friday, May 31, 2013

{Fitness Friday) Super Fun Core Workout

I LOVE workout videos. You all know that by now. On my cardio days for Bikini Body Mommy, I do a variety of Tabata workouts, Cardio HIIT's, and fun ab and booty workouts. Sometimes I even throw in some yoga or pilates. I just get bored way too easily and I love to keep things interesting. Here is a fun core workout video I found a long time ago but I still use every now and then because IT WORKS! It is great for your obliques! My core has always been my problem area so I need all the help I can get! Try this today and let me know what you think!

It's Friday....So SHAKE YOUR BOOTY and whittle your waist at the same time!!

1 comment :

  1. This workout looks really good. I'm going to try it tomorrow.


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