
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{22 week BUMPdate}

Has it been 2 weeks since my last bumpdate?? Whew...time is flying by!!!

How Far Along? 22 weeks 

Size of Baby: 8 inches, 1 lb. (The size of a spaghetti squash)

Gender: Boy :)

Weight Gain: I have gained about 13 lbs. I think that is about normal. My appetite is through the roof! I am eating healthy foods and drinking a lot of water so I am hoping to stay in the 25-30 lb. range for weight gain. I am not stressing about it too much...I know the weight will all come off....I just want to be the healthiest that I can be to make the last few months a little easier on me!

Maternity Clothes: I pretty much live in yoga pants and t-shirts. When I actually wear real clothes...I usually wear my pre-pregnancy clothes with a few maternity shirts in the mix!

Nursery: No clue. :) I have been pinning some ideas but I can't make my mind up!
Movement: Starting to feel a lot more movement. My hubby was actually able to feel some kicks the other day! That was very exciting!

Symptoms: Hungry all the time, a lot of potty breaks during the night, exhausted at times and it is getting a little harder to run and chase after my kiddos! 

Sleep: I sleep okay these days....I do wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom but other than that I sleep pretty well.

Cravings: Frozen yogurt (which I haven't had in weeks so I am due for sure)

What I Miss: 
Working out regularly and fitting into my normal clothes!!

Best Moment This Week: Having hubby feel the baby kick!

So tell me....

What were your pregnancy cravings??

Best tips for making it through the summer preggo??

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