
Monday, September 2, 2013

{Happy Labor Day}

Hey everyone!! I got back from vacation late last night! We had a blast! So much fun and so many great memories!!

Today I am spending the day unpacking, doing some yard work, and having a cookout at my parents house. I think I did pretty well on vacation....not perfect but pretty good. I worked out...I ate a lot of my favorite "clean" snacks, healthy breakfasts and simple but clean lunches. Dinner is where I got thrown off a little. I cook so much at home that I really wanted to relax and not have to cook for my vacation week! Boy...was that nice! Although I thoroughly enjoyed not dinners were far from clean and I didn't feel super great after I finished eating. I also did not drink as much water as I should have.

I am not dwelling on the things that I didn't do perfectly. I had so much fun with my family and that is what my main goal was!! This is a new week and I am ready to get back on track!!!

I have ordered groceries, received my new Polar heart rate monitor watch, and planned out my meals for the week. I also have planned on making some healthy snacks to keep in the fridge. I have my trusty water bottle by my side and plan on drinking a TON of water this week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day and I hope you guys are on board to get back on track with me tomorrow! Let's spend the month of September being healthy, eating clean foods, working out and enjoying the last bit of summer!!

Who is with me??

 What do you want to accomplish in September?? 

Starting a new workout? 

Committing to eating clean?? 

I wanna know!!! :)

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